As organizations around the world continue to respond to disruptive economic fluctuations and prolonged losses, challenging restructuring efforts and more bankruptcy filings can be expected.

KLDiscovery is deeply experienced in discovery, disputes and investigations that frequently arise during restructuring and bankruptcy. Our peerless capacity, speed, and responsiveness are key drivers of the successful outcomes we deliver in these highly specialized matters. We work with clients, counsel, advisors and receivers throughout the data preservation, management, retrieval, discovery and disposition process. KLDiscovery guides and supports clients throughout a variety of key considerations by providing:


Experts to work with counsel to map out the myriad of potentially relevant data sources as early as possible in the restructuring or in the pre-filing phase of the bankruptcy process; and maintain high availability to respond to urgent needs, track various information and effectively report to parties.


Secure, centralized document databases for parties to share, exchange and review documents to help expedite and improve the efficiency of proceedings, thereby demonstrating candor and best efforts before the courts and other authorities.


Data preservation and collection to satisfy legal duties, mitigate the risks of data inaccessibility and maintain business continuity which can be compromised due to rapid employee departures and system shutdown, especially in the wake of heavy restructuring or liquidation events.


Ongeëvenaarde snelheid en capaciteit om alle fasen van het vinden, hosten, beoordelen en produceren van documenten voor elke faillissementskwestie af te handelen, ongeacht het aantal betrokken partijen of documenten die de zaak dreigen te compliceren.


Ontwikkeling en naleving van ESI-protocollen die moeten worden vastgesteld, ongeacht of het proces als vijandig of minnelijk wordt beschouwd, samen met de validatie van inkomende producties en de beschikbaarstelling van ReadySuite om de kwaliteitscontrole te automatiseren.


Kostenefficiënt onderzoek, wat vooral in deze situaties van belang is; aanbieders van advies en aanbieders van onderzoek moeten op een slimme manier samenwerken in alle fasen van het onderzoek, vanaf de verzameling van gegevens, via de review tot en met de productie.


Neem vandaag nog contact op met het team van KLDiscovery.