Onze mensen. Onze cultuur.
Ervaar het verschil.
Aangezien technologische en sociale veranderingen en veranderingen op het gebied van milieu de wereld vormgeven, is het voor KLD belangrijk verbonden te blijven met de bredere behoeften van onze gemeenschap en belanghebbenden.
Met deze visie in gedachten streven we naar een cultuur van vrijgevigheid en betrokkenheid bij de gemeenschap.

Het goede voorbeeld geven
Als deel van onze belofte iets terug te doen, steunen we gedurende het hele jaar verschillende non-profitorganisaties, waarbij de nadruk wordt gelegd op de kansarme minderheidsgroepen, milieubescherming en rampenbestrijding.
Onze filantropie reikt verder dan bedrijfsmatige verantwoordelijkheden. We ondersteunen liefdadigheidsorganisaties die als doel hebben de samenleving te verbeteren en een betere toekomst voor iedereen te creëren. Daarnaast investeren de werknemers van KLDiscovery regelmatig hun tijd en middelen om hun plaatselijke gemeenschappen te verbeteren.
Vanaf 2018-2020 doneerde KLDiscovery aan verschillende non-profitorganisaties in de hele wereld waaronder:
- Atlanta Legal Aid
- Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Association
- Calcutta Run Charities
- Children’s Law Center
- Constitutional Rights Foundation’s Expanding Horizons Internships
- Greater Boston Legal Services
- Hire Heroes USA
- Horton’s Kids
- Illinois Legal Aid Online
- Life Preservers Project
- Lolly’s Locks
- Minority Corporate Counsel Association
- Prince’s Trust
- Sentinels of Freedom
- The Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
- Theatre Forward
- Tower Hamlets Education Partnership
- Urban Pathways
It was a great day for golf!
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) June 18, 2019
Since 2011, Regions Tradition has raised over $4.5 million for area charities, with Children’s of Alabama being the primary beneficiary of the tournament.#KLDGivesBack #RegionsTradition pic.twitter.com/DdDmA9clCe
#KLDGivesBack to Cornerstones and The Embry Rucker Homeless Shelter. Our team of volunteers packed and delivered bagged lunches to help those in need around the local Northern, Virginia area. pic.twitter.com/8HjiOpSnIG
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) May 16, 2019
Last night, KLDiscovery was a proud sponsor of the 30th Annual Servant of Justice Awards Dinner hosted by the Legal Aid Society of DC. Congratulations to the 2019 Honorees Tony Pierce and Judy Lichtman! #KLDGivesBack pic.twitter.com/zDZTxReVIb
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) April 26, 2019
KLDiscovery had the privilege of sponsoring Theatre Forward's Chairman's Awards Gala last night. Theatre Forward advances American theatre and its communities by providing funding and other resources to the country’s leading nonprofit theatres. #KLDGivesBack pic.twitter.com/zJQRFPLTJW
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) April 9, 2019
Last night KLD had the honor of partnering with the SABA-SC Public Interest Foundation to sponsor the 16th Annual Public Interest Dinner and Installation. #KLDGivesBack pic.twitter.com/ENUjypOPp7
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) March 13, 2019
This Holiday Season, KLD conducted our first annual Charity Draw. Thanks to the help from our clients, KLD is proud to contribute to Hire Heroes USA, an organization that empowers U.S. military members, veterans and military spouses to succeed in the workforce. #KLDGivesBack pic.twitter.com/IbDVGgohgx
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) January 9, 2019
KLDiscovery is proud to have sponsored the Calcutta Charity Run in Dublin earlier this year, which supports homeless children in Calcutta and Dublin. This year $340,000 was raised, and an outstanding amount of $4.5 million over the past 20 years! pic.twitter.com/uHHKNRH6Z0
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) December 7, 2018
Last night we had the pleasure of hosting a fundraising event for our friends at Robin's Hope Trauma Recovery Center in Richmond, VA. Thank you to everyone who came out in support to help make this event such a wonderful success! #KLDGivesBack pic.twitter.com/2wh3HNUw40
— KLDiscovery (@KLDiscovery) December 6, 2018