Effortless self-collection software.
You got this.
End-users and IT professionals alike can now easily perform forensically-sound collections of hard drives, loose files and email servers – effortlessly and defensibly.
Unquestionable defensibility.
RCMgr drives arrive pre-configured to collect only the data you have defined.
RCMgr logs the entire collection in granular detail, ensuring that our forensics experts can track the process from start to finish. Upon completion of the collection, RCMgr verifies and encrypts the collected data for secure shipment back to our lab.

Any time, any place.
Packed full of features typically only available to on-site collection experts, RCMgr works on your schedule. Have a question at 3:00 a.m.? No problem, all RCMgr devices come with 365/24/7 support from KLDiscovery’s certified forensics analysts.
Solution at a Glance
Our Remote Collection Manager (RCMgr®) is the most comprehensive self-collection suite in existence. End users and IT professionals alike can now easily perform forensically sound collections of hard drives, loose files and email servers – effortlessly and defensibly.
Everything You Need to Perform a Defensible Collection
What Is RCMgr?
The RCMgr package is an external hard drive, USB cable, easy to understand instructions and return shipping label. RCMgr hard drives arrive pre-configured to collect only the data defined by the client. Once the RCMgr is connected and launched by the user, the forensic collection begins. Upon completion, RCMgr verifies and encrypts the collected data for secure shipment back to our lab.
RCMgr can be used for various situations:
- As traditional self-collection – and it’s easy enough that anyone can perform the collection using the enclosed guide
- By IT professionals in corporations to ensure defensibility and keep them involved in the process
- Highly secure and sensitive situations – RCMgr has been sent into war zones and troubled nations
Small Package, Big Features
Most remote collection devices are so limited in functionality that their usefulness becomes a serious concern. Not RCMgr. We packed it full of features typically only available to on-site collection experts. Here’s what to expect:
- Full bit-stream DD forensic imaging for Windows and non-Windows (MAC-based) devices
- Can overcome full disk encryptions (Credent, Bitlocker, Endpoint, FileVault, Checkpoint, etc.)
- Targeted collection for Windows or MAC
- Allows the user to perform a targeted collection of files on local, external, and network drives from one computer
- Enterprise collection of Microsoft Exchange (2003+) and Lotus Domino (8.5+)
- From either the client environment or the Domino servers – for all or specific custodians
- Ability to designate specific terms against specific custodians
- Ability to generate a full forensic snapshot of your system to generate a picklist/triage report of your content to identify locations of interest prior to collection
- Compatible with thumb drives, external hard drives, MP3 players and more
RCMgr will also update power/energy settings on the fly, without the need for user intervention, to prevent the system from pausing or restarting during the collection.
Unquestionable Defensibility
At its core, RCMgr is a group of processes and tools bundled under a common interface. These underlying tools, and the pre-defined order of operations that they follow, emulate the best practices followed by forensic experts during on-site collections. Further, RCMgr logs the entire collection in granular detail, ensuring that our forensic experts can track the process from start to finish. The combination of a best practices process and detailed logging results in a collection that is defensible to any challenge.
RCMgr Works on YOUR Schedule
Since RCMgr is run by the end-user, your collection can be performed any time, any place. Avoid workstation commandeering and never disrupt business operations again. Have a question at 3:00 AM? No problem! All RCMgr devices come with 24x7x365 support by certified forensic analysts.
Ready. Set. Collect.
Don’t wait any longer to try this data collection software. Contact the KLDiscovery team today.