In this Today’s General Counsel webinar KLDiscovery sponsored, Eric Robinson, VP, Global Advisory Services & Strategic Client Solutions at KLDiscovery, discusses how AI and AI-adjacent technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive coding, are impacting discovery, compliance, and regulatory investigations—especially in highly regulated industries with changing rules.

AI Tech Webinar Recording

Watch the recording and learn:

  • Why AI and AI-adjacent technologies are important for regulated industries
  • The significance of AI in addressing data and information management requirements
  • How AI technologies impact the discovery and investigatory processes, including downstream benefits 
  • How AI can help establish efficiencies for data mining in cyber incident response over traditional models
  • The potential implications of technologies like ChatGPT and the Metaverse on discovery and compliance

Please complete the form below to access a recording of this webinar for on-demand viewing.